FAQs & Policies


How much Botox will I need?

In general, Botox is 20-50 units in the forehead (between the brows and into the actual forehead), and 6-20 units per eye. If you have a line at the bridge of your nose that you want to address, you can use 10-15 units there as well. This muscle is called the nasalis. 

Botox can be placed in the upper lip for a lip flip, or to address the lines above the lip, and that’s normally 6 units. 

Chin Botox can run 2-6 units. 

Underarm Botox is 100 units, and is priced differently than facial Botox. 

There is a wide range, so Jamie has to assess you in person. She says that most people fall in the 50-70 unit range, with some people falling below 50, and few above 70. 

Please allow 3-4 weeks prior to a special event to allow for all swelling and bruising to subside in the case you experience any. Also, Botox can take up to two weeks to kick in. 

How long will Botox last?

With the proper dose, Botox should last 3-4 months, or longer. Jamie is an extremely experienced RN injector, and has ways of custom tailoring your treatment to get up to a 6-9 month duration. Make sure to ask at your appointment if you’re a candidate for this, if you would like to space out your appointments, have a fear of the needle, or simply for convenience! 

Jamie only uses Botox Cosmetic, purchased here in the US of A. 

Fillers -

 Jamie prefers to use the Juvéderm line of fillers. They have the most predictable and studied outcomes. Each syringe of filler is 1mL. Unlike Botox, filler can be seen immediately. It’s a gel, and lifts/fills out the tissue as it’s being placed. You can expect to bruise and swell. Swelling will be immediate, and will be worse in the morning, the day following injections. It can take 2-4 weeks for the final result, with most people reporting swelling to be gone within a few days. You may ice following your injections, 15 mins on the hour, and not more than that. If your swelling is intense, you should take Arnica Montana (as long as you don’t have an allergy to it- which is extremely unlikely, as it’s a homeopathic treatment) and/or Benadryl. 

Jamie can fill almost any part of your face and/or neck, with caution and skill. She will never over inject, and explains in detail: 

  1. Why the product she’s choosing is appropriate 

  2. What you can expect as she injects, and what the next few days will look like, in accordance with what she sees in the appointment. 

Voluma - mid-face, jawline, sometimes temples, sometimes lips. Largest molecule, provides the most lift. Duration- up to 24 months. 

Vollure - tear troughs, temples, nasolabial folds (lines from corner of nose to side of mouth), corners of the mouth, lips, lines in the neck. Mid-sized molecule. Duration- up to 18 months. 

Volbella - tear troughs, perioral rhytids, lips (for a very natural/hydrated look), nose, glabellar crease, sometimes in lines on the neck. Thinnest product available, for the most delicate areas. Duration- up to 12 months. 

Juvéderm Ultra/Ultra Plus - nasolabial folds (lines from corner of nose to side of mouth), corners of the mouth, lips (for a plump/juicy look). Mid-sized molecule. Duration- up to 12 months. 

Keep in mind that you will continue to age, around the filler. So even though the filler is still in there, most clients do come around the 12 month mark for touch ups, even if there’s a 24 month indication. Once you get to full correction, just keep an eye on your face. When you start to notice a loss in volume, schedule your next appointment.

How many syringes will I need?

Depending on the outcome you desire, you may need anywhere from 1 to 8 syringes in one sitting, and will always have a natural outcome. Jamie is comfortable giving a more contoured look if it is requested, but will never suggest it. A rule of thumb is 1 syringe per decade of life. Jamie understands that cost can be prohibitive, and is happy to work with clients that want to purchase larger packages. 

Each syringe is 1mL, and more importantly, each client will have a different outcome with the same amount of product used. Some 50 year olds need 7 syringes, where some 80 year olds need 3. It’s very personalized. 

ThermiSmooth - 

ThermiSmooth is a potent radio frequency treatment that stimulates collagen production. This is a treatment that everyone can benefit from, as the main reasons we see signs of aging is the degradation of collagen. At the age of 20, we all are losing 1-2% of our collagen, per year. Jamie can treat the entire face and neck with ThermiSmooth. ThermiSmooth is done in 4 treatments (or two double treatments) every 2-4 weeks. There is no downtime, and the treatments are comfortable. 

ThermiVa -

ThermiVa is one of Jamie’s favorite treatment options, as it creates life-changing results for women. As we notice aging in our faces, we also experience signs of aging in the rest of our body. Regardless of child birth, some women experience stress urinary incontinence, which can be embarrassing and annoying. Vaginal laxity, loss of sensation, and appearance of inner and outer labia are all hugely improved with ThermiVa. 

Initially, 3 treatments are needed, 4 weeks apart, then annual treatments (or when you notice things returning to their prior state). 

Kybella -

Kybella treatments are the injection of deoxycholic acid into the fat that some people genetically have under their chin. You can expect significant swelling for the 3 days after injection, possible bruising, then slight/unnoticeable residual swelling for the next couple of weeks. A temporary numb sensation, and the feeling of fluid movement in the chin area is normal. Treatments are done 4-6 weeks apart, and the results are permanent. 

Body Contouring by InMode Evolve -

Evolve is an advanced radio frequency treatment platform, and is meant to treat the body (as opposed to ThermiSmooth which treats face and neck). It’s the newest technology on the market, with proven results far superior to other available treatments that have been on the market for years. 

With three treatment modalities, we can implement fat destruction (up to 40%, and in combination with a healthy lifestyle, is permanent), skin tightening (requires maintenance), and muscle toning (requires maintenance). Most importantly, these can be done without any pain or discomfort. In fact, patients report being able to take a nap during the procedures. Zero downtime. Possibly of minor bruising, but only in certain areas. 

Evolve uses heat, as opposed to the other cooling techniques we’ve heard not-so-great things about. 

Commonly used on stomach, flanks, arms, thighs, and buttocks. 


I ask at least 24 hours notice for all cancellations, but I understand when emergencies arise. No one wants to catch your flu like symptoms!


  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages within 24 hours prior to treatment, as alcohol is a blood thinner and may increase risk of bruising.

  • Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications for 2 weeks before treatment. Ie, Asprin, Vitamin E, Ginko Biloba, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning affect and might increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.

  • Reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance if you have a cold sore, blemish, or rash on your face.

  • If you have a history of cold sores, obtain a prescription from your physician for antiviral medication. This medication should be used 1 day prior to and 3-4 days after your treatment.

  • Do not touch or manipulate the injection area for 3 hours following treatment. Do not receive a facial laser treatment or microdermabrasion immediately after treatment with Botox®. If these treatments are are desired they should be preformed prior to Botox® treatment.

  • You may smile, frown, or grimace for 20-30 minutes following your treatment. This can possibly help the Botox® find its way into the muscles into which it was injected.

  • Do not lie down for 4 hours after your Botox® treatment. This will help prevent the Botox® from tracking into the orbit of your eye and causing a heavy eyelid.

  • It can take approximately 4 to 14 days for results to be seen. If the desired result is not seen after 2 weeks of your treatment, contact the injector for a touch up. You are charged for the amount of product used; therefore, you will be charged for the product used during any touch up or subsequent appointments. It is normal to need a touch up after your first time being injected with Botox®

  • Do not perform activities involving straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for one day after treatment.

  • Retin-A, Glycolic acid, Vitamin C and Vitamin C cream should not be used in the treated areas for 24 hours after treatment.

  • Do not apply makeup until the day following injection.

  • Use Tylenol for Discomfort.

  • Avoid touching or manipulating the treated area for 6 hours following treatment. After 6 hours, the area can be gently washed.

  • Avoid sleeping face down{on your stomach} for 2 weeks following treatment.

    If you have any questions our concerns, please contact your injector.