Juvederm® Collection

Juvederm® injectable gel is made of hyaluronic acid which is, at its base, a naturally occurring substance that delivers nutrients to the skin, helping it to retain moisture and softness, and adding volume.


Juvederm® Ultra + Ultra Plus XC

Smooths lines around your nose and mouth for up to 1 year. This product is water-loving, which makes for a more robust result, post treatment. After assessment and discussion with patient about desired results, this product is also a possibility for lip augmentation.  


Juvederm® Volbella, Vollure, + Voluma

These newer generation Juvederm products utilize Allergan’s Vycross Technology, which takes away the hydrophilic properties of the original Juvederm products. This means that the result achieved during treatment is what you can expect, and swelling will be less. These products also have a longer duration ranging from up to 12 months to 24 months. Goals, expectations, and professional assessment will determine which line of product to be used.


Juvederm® Volbella

Volbella is indicated for a subtle lip augmentation, and for the peri-oral rhytids, also known as “smoker lines”. This product is the most cohesive with tissue, so its use is indicated in very thin-skinned areas. Someone with extremely thin tear troughs may need Volbella for safe treatment. It is the smallest molecule, and requires a high level of expertise to achieve the desired result. Up to 12 month duration.


Juvederm® Vollure

Vollure is indicated for many areas of the face from tear troughs to nasolabial folds. This is the mid-size molecule, and has up to an 18 month duration.


Juvederm® Voluma

Voluma is indicated for mid-face volume loss. It is primarily used in the cheeks, temples, and jawline. In rare cases, this product may be used in other areas of the face. It is the most robust, and has up to a 2 year duration.